Thursday, December 30, 2010

Skating for the First Time!

Seems like it's been a month since my last post. Quite a bit of drama happened here and there, but I don't see the point in mentioning them here...

It's the second week into my winter break and fortunately didn't do much sitting around! I worked almost everyday last week, which is a pretty good remedy for overspending on Christmas gifts. Aside from working, I got a chance to have some fun today: skating!

I skated for the first time today at Nathan Phillip Square. As a first-timer, it wasn't easy. During my first few steps, I gripped on my friends for dear life and pulled them to the ground with me! Everyone else around me were moving so quickly, even the little kids. Tee even said that I was moving 0.5 metres/hr, though I think I was moving a LOT slower than that! But nonetheless, I had a lot of fun and hopefully we'll go again next week as planned before classes recommence.