Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Negative Performance Evaluation

It's only hours since the appointment, but somehow my memory seems so blurry. Am I trying to avoid it or am I not ready to evaluate the discussion? Whatever the reason, this is what happened...

While getting ready, there was an instant when I wanted to bail. However, after a final thought, I quickly made my way there. It turned out to be a performance evaluation and a bucket of negative comments was thrown in my face. I wasn't productive enough and didn't contribute as much as I should to the store. There were also complaints from my co-workers regarding my poor performance and how frustrated they were with me. Apparently, they didn't tell me directly to my face because they "weren't in the position to do so." Nonetheless, the performance review acted as, like strike one in baseball, a first warning. If my performance doesn't improve, there will be another talk (strike two) and a final one with someone from head office, of which would lead to immediate termination. In the end, I was told that I'm given a single shift to show immediate improvement or else a second warning will fall. Is one shift really enough to show anything of any kind? What should I do? Can anyone tell me?

It's sad that, instead of giving me honest critiques, they decided to complain about me and have it all thrown at my face like this. We occasionally joke with each other, but this is what they did behind my back. Am I really that bad? Should I start fresh with a new job or continue to struggle to keep this one? What can be done?

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