Friday, January 14, 2011

Breaking Under Pressure

Mom's being ridiculous again, as usual. She's been pressuring me to get a job for the past two weeks with her constant yelling. I'm starting to get really tired of this. I can't breathe under this constant madness. Thanks to school, I'm actually able to escape from being suffocated. It really breaks my heart to think that money is more important than her daughter's schooling, her daughter's future. I'm really struggling to keep hanging on, but I'm afraid I'm starting to loose grip...and fast.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Skating for the First Time!

Seems like it's been a month since my last post. Quite a bit of drama happened here and there, but I don't see the point in mentioning them here...

It's the second week into my winter break and fortunately didn't do much sitting around! I worked almost everyday last week, which is a pretty good remedy for overspending on Christmas gifts. Aside from working, I got a chance to have some fun today: skating!

I skated for the first time today at Nathan Phillip Square. As a first-timer, it wasn't easy. During my first few steps, I gripped on my friends for dear life and pulled them to the ground with me! Everyone else around me were moving so quickly, even the little kids. Tee even said that I was moving 0.5 metres/hr, though I think I was moving a LOT slower than that! But nonetheless, I had a lot of fun and hopefully we'll go again next week as planned before classes recommence.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Finally Sick!

After being surrounded by countless people with colds and flu, I finally came down with a flu on Friday morning and a fever later that day. I'm feeling a lot better now, with coughing, sneezing and other cold-like symptoms. Hope I'll be back to normal tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Semi-annual Rampage Has Started! (Again)

Mom's semi-annual "move-out" rampage started a few days ago and will last for I-don't-know how many days. Funny thing is, it was triggered by simply not going grocery shopping with her in order to study for 3 tests (scheduled one after the other). One thing's for sure, her constant insults aren't much help and I'm too sick of it to even care. I'm already stressed enough with schoolwork and workplace issues, I don't need more to suffocate myself. Maybe I should have stayed at the campus to get some studying done. The test tomorrow morning is huge and I'm nowhere near ready. What am I going to do???

(Study, obviously!)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ridiculous Teacher

Wow.. It's been a month already since my last post and honestly, I've really been that busy. From the weekly reports to tests almost every week - this is my last year so I guess that's why...

I'm still at school right now as I'm typing this...and in about two hours I'll be going into my next class to continue an experiment. I suppose this is one of those rare moments that actually allows me to relax for a bit and do whatever I want.

I'm ridiculously tired right now. I just had a test early this morning at 8:30am and my previous class almost sucked out my soul - thank goodness my partner, E.C, was there! That class really isn't that intense - it's just the fact that we only have less than two weeks left to complete our project and we weren't even half done. Thanks to E.C, we only have a small part of it left and we're finished! We would've got a lot more accomplished without rushing if it weren't for our teacher. He's constantly giving us something new to handle: an entirely different set of procedures to work with seconds after we handed-in our proposal (that we spent weeks working on), making us do something that had nothing to do with our experiment and giving us new bacterial strains to work with two weeks ago. This isn't just happening to us, to what I heard, other groups are suffering just the same. On top of that, he's constantly throwing his temper at us and bashing us with insults (like "you have no common sense" and believe me, there's much, much more). He sort of reminds me of this high school teacher I had who, like him, throws his temper and insults at us. Man, I think I've accumulated enough insults that could last for's that bad. If my GPA had nothing to do with him, I would've (tried to) put a stop to this nonsense, instead of choking down his insults like a coward. I told mom about him last night and she immediately told me to go to the dean. Easy for her to say. Ah well, the semester's coming to an end soon. Hopefully by then things won't be as ugly...