Friday, February 19, 2010

A Sudden Thought: Studying Under a Snowfall

Today I had a pharmaceutical test. To study for it, I went to E.C.'s place for a group study. In the midst of figuring out a test review question, I looked out the window to a cloudy sky and thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to see a light snowfall?" - and it would!

Just imagine: clearing your mind or simply taking a short break by looking at a beautiful snowfall outside... To me, that's gorgeous! Too bad, it never did - no matter how many times I've glanced. I guess the snow didn't want to fall, did they?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An End to My Resentment..

I just talked to Sea. Turned out Proj. G really does have a girlfriend. My decision in giving up on him was a right one after all. Don't know why I wanted to blog about this. But hey, I did and it's too late for me to worry about it now isn't it?

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Resentment Continued...

Remember my previous entry titled A Resentment...? It mentioned my resentment towards starting a conversation with Proj. G (I changed his code name from just "G" to "Proj. G"). For the past while, I've tried talking to him at school and find there's nothing to talk about. On MSN, our conversations would not last for more than 30 minutes. Why am I doing this anyways? It's not like me to force myself into doing something like this. I've already gone beyond my comfort zone.

Maybe I should just give up and move on.

Valentine's Day Blues

Since this morning, I was feeling a bit blue. I don't know why, but somehow I've been feeling a bit down throughout the day. Maybe it's just me, but as someone who's still single and dateless, Valentine's Day isn't the best day for me to celebrate. The only thing I can be happy about is having a shift and making money on this "unhappy" day of mine.

I don't know - it's weird. Maybe I'm just being I?

Anyhow, I hope couples around the world had a really lovely and romantic day. Wishing them all the best and the happiest times ever!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Very Happy Birthday!!

In the end, I didn't attend my friend's wedding. Mom was against it the entire time because I didn't receive a proper invitation to the party. She was afraid that I would undergo some sort of embarrassment when the bride didn't expect my arrival. I don't know, it's weird. But hey, mom was just trying to protect me right?

So, I stayed home and had a pretty "relaxing" birthday. All I did was watch TV, listen to music and talk to people on MSN. Despite the peacefulness, it was a rather boring day. Worst of all, there was no cake - a great disappointment. And so, the day passed by as if it was any other day...

The next day, I met up with Kay and E.C., the friend from Korean BBQ!! who described my pile of meat as Mount Everest, at Town Centre RT station. Together, we took the RT to downtown and had lunch at Forest View Chinese restaurant for some Dim Sum. Finding the restaurant was not a breeze as we had a little trouble locating its specific location. Still, we did and had a fun time eating. After the meal, we went to Eaton's Centre where Cat joined us with a little surprise, a Black Forest cake! Even though it wasn't a good quality cake, I was so happy that I couldn't help hugging her at the sight of it.

That brought us to our next mission, finding a place to enjoy the cake! After a long discussion, we finally decided to go to E.C.'s place. Along the way, Cat and E.C. bought wine and soon we arrived at his place. We took off our jackets and slumped onto the couch while E.C. took out plates and glasses for the cake and wine. Almost on cue, Cat quickly opened the bottle and poured me a glass...and that was how I had my first drink! The taste of the alcohol wasn't that pleasant, but I did manage to ingest two glasses - not a whole lot because my goal was to give it a try and NOT get drunk.

Soon the sky was dark, bidding us to return home...

We all had a blast! Even though it was past my birthday, the day was intended to celebrate it. And now, I can happily say that I had a very happy birthday!!