Wednesday, June 10, 2009


YAY!! I'm so happy!! After all this waiting, I finally got my first job!! Words can definitely not describe my happiness!! As soon as I got home, I kept on jumping up and down, squealing "YAY!"

This morning, I woke up to my ringing cell phone and immediately jumped out of bed to answer it. It turned out to be the lady who interviewed me last Friday and she asked me to come by today for the second interview! As soon as I hung up, I couldn't fight the urge to laugh hysterically (I only do that when I'm either extremely happy or extremely nervous - and in this case, I was extremely happy). But honestly, since my disaster from my first job interview three weeks ago, I lost a great amount of confidence in getting a job - especially after each visit to my email account. Anyways, when I finally stopped laughing, I got myself ready for the interview and got there twenty minutes late (and yes, it's something that can seriously prevent me from getting the job - I totally agree).

Another lady interviewed me and she was the assistant manager. To my amazement, the lady who interviewed me last Friday was the manager! When the interview started, I was told that I was one of the top five candidates selected after the first interviews held last week. I can't believe it! I was one of the top five! Honestly speaking, I've never been in the top five before, NEVER! And so, she asked me a few questions and I was pretty pleased of how calm I was when I answered them...okay, I lied. I was fairly nervous (and I think it showed), but the questions were pretty hard; they were mostly job-related.

When the interview ended, she asked me if I had any questions and if I have anything to say before I leave (to place a last impression I guess). I remember mom telling me that if a potential employer asks you if you have any questions when the interview was over, it is strongly recommended that you do ask! This would show him/her that you do have an interest in the job. Having that said, I asked what the job responsibilities were and I was given a very detailed answer! I also, out of curiosity, asked how many people they were planning to hire out of the top five and it was one or two. That made me a bit disappointed since I was hoping that they would hire three of the five, which will increase my odds in getting hired. Before I left, I expressed my gratitude for the second interview plus how much I wanted the job and what it would mean to me (which goes beyond the salary). Thinking back, I think I kind of babbled during this part. Man, I think she was dying of boredom during that time!

Before I left, she asked me to wait a bit to see if the manager wanted to ask me any further questions. After three minutes or so, they came back to tell me that I was hired! I was so surprised! I just couldn't believe it, as if it was too good to be true! And yes, I laughed quite a bit and so did they (maybe because of my reaction). Then, I was given a form to fill out and was told to return it as soon as possible so I could start in a week!

I seriously couldn't believe it. I thought it was a dream and that I would soon wake up to disappointment. I can't wait until my first workday! I'm so excited! Wish me luck!!


Hanuhtim said...

I'm so proud of you! Where do you work? Somewhere cool I hope!

Starless.Night said...

u couldn't imagine how happy i was when they told me that i was hired!! XD
i currently work at hallmark in stc!! ^_^
nice choice for ur name btw.. ^.^

Hanuhtim said...

Hallmark ! That's awesome. You had to wear an apron? woah! I must stop by sometime ( But I prolly wont buy anything.. much to expensive for my likeing). I do agree... my name is quite the mysterious one ;)

Starless.Night said...

u shud sometime!!
wearing an apron isn't that bad i guess..
mom's quite happy abt it..
she thinks it's better than a uniform..
at least i don't have to wear a shirt with the company's name printed on it while taking the bus to work..
dunno if i shud agree wid her or not.. = ="
haha..i don't blame u..
their stuff isn't cheap and it is a bit pricey!! ^^
and to be honest..i feel a bit attracted to the stuffed animals sold there..
they are soo soft and cuddly!! ^.^