Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Preferable Lifestyle!

A customer came in yesterday and we had a nice conversation. The conversation started off with him asking whether I'm still going to school and which college I'm in. He also said something that drew my attention. He told me to enjoy my school life while I still can because in the end I might miss it. He said he missed it a lot, especially the fun times while hanging out with his friends. Though I do have to say, he must have graduated a long while ago (he had a "businessman" look) and may have lost contact with most of his friends.

The truth is, will I really miss the school days? For now, I really don't think so. My lifestyle for the past few weeks involves only work, which is quite similar to the lifestyle I may have (if I'm lucky) after I graduate (the only difference will be my occupation I guess) and I'm enjoying it! When I get home from work, I feel so relaxed and comfy. There's no need for me to worry about school or anything related (perhaps I'm just lazy). The days just pass by quite swiftly and of course, the idea that I'm making money by myself feels great!

I actually have my future all planned out and it's quite simple. After I graduate, I'll have a full-time job that's related to my program. Then I'm going to (hopefully) save enough money and buy a duplex or a two/three bedroom suite. During my free-time, I plan to read books, listen to music, go out with friends, enjoy a coffee at a café or bake a cake at home. Simple enough, right? This lifestyle I want is (definately) not easy to accomplish, but it's surely going to be a strong motivation to work harder and put more effort in everything I do.

Will I succeed? Hopefully I will, nothing is impossible right?

Wish me luck!!


Ash Schizophrenic said...

=P thats not rly the point he was making.. lol

theres nothing wrong with having an aim.. and working towards it.. thats how it should be done..

but.. what he rly meant was.. small things we do in our school years.. make a big difference in our lives.. and we realize that down the road.. once its all over..

such as.. someone once told me.. the songs we listen to in our highschool years.. we never forget them.. ever.. =] it such a small thing.. but.. each time we listen to a certain song.. we'd remember something from those days..

same goes for the people you've met in those years.. choices you've made.. problems you've had.. and the fun times that happenned .. =]

everyone has an aim..

=P but.. its something from our past that makes us go towards it..

and that "something" we should never let go of.. or forget~

^^ mew~

Hanuhtim said...

Don't be afraid of dreaming big ! You have so many talents...don't underestimate yourself. I beleive that you can achieve anything that you want to... if you want it bad enough.

Starless.Night said...

ur rite..
it is those "things" that shape us into who we are today..
and it is also those things..the memories..that will always be treasured in our hearts..
..and never will we ever forget them..
but honestly..
there are several highschool memories that will never be erased..
and it is during highschool that shaped the 'me' today..
altho im not too fond with some of them..
there are memories that i luv and perhaps would wish to relive some of them..
like going to the mall with a bunch of friends afterschool..
talking..laughing..and most importantly..having fun together!!
i guess there are some things from the school days that i will truly miss..
thanks ashy..for helping me realize this!! ^0^

thanks for the encouragement!!
let's all work hard and achieve all of our goals..
and fulfill our dreams..
no matter how difficult they are!!