Wednesday, April 22, 2009

An Eventful Day It Was!

Yesterday was an awesome day! But...before I start, let's have an overview of the recent events!

As I mentioned in the previous entry, I had a chemistry lab exam the following day. It wasn't too bad at all, since my test involved one of the easiest machines to operate. While taking my time, I managed to finish the entire exam! What else? On the following Monday, I had a psychology assignment due on that day, making me spend part of my weekend working on it! And that's not all! I had a total of three tests scheduled on that week: two on Wednesday and a Biology lab test/exam on Thursday! You can imagine how exhausted I was by the end of that week! Surprisingly, just when I thought I could to catch some sleep, another assignment was due on the following Tuesday, which was yesterday! It was a semi-formal biology lab report on a project that I've been working on for the past few weeks, and it was due yesterday. And so, I pulled a all-nighter and handed it in.

In case you were wondering about the events between me and Teresa...Well there is nothing more to say. In class, I don't say "Hi" to her, nor does she to me. When we see each other in the hallways, we just walk past one another without saying anything - as if we are complete strangers (and I hope it stays this way)! Well enough of the boring stuff, let's get to the main topic!

As I mentioned earlier, there was a report due yesterday. Since there was nothing more to do, class was immediately over! And so, I went to downtown with a few college friends and ate at a sushi restaurant that Friend A (from "Events So Far" entry) strongly recommended. Getting there was an adventure, as we were trying to get into the restaurant before 3 PM. What's the rush? Apparently, this restaurant offered a all-you-can-eat lunch buffet that ends at 3PM (otherwise, they'll charge you with the price for a dinner). Fortunately, we arrived fifteen minutes before the lunch buffet ended, giving us fifteen minutes to order. None of us knew what to order and so, Friend A did the ordering! (We were actually watching her in amazement while she ordered. Apparently, she's been there quite a few times and knew the menu pretty well!) Within minutes, our table was filled with food: from sushi to a variety of cooked dishes, and they all looked so tasty! (I especially recommend the salmon belly! Ask me for the restaurant location if you're interested.) I suppose she ordered a little too much food, as we were struggling to finish them. (The food was freshly made, and so they will charge you if 90% of the food aren't finished)! In the end, we filled our tummies full and the food was gone - all of it! Now, you might think we didn't have room for more, but we still had some left cream! Two of us had mango (myself included) and the other two had green tea!

During the entire meal, we were laughing and joking with each other as if we were drunk! Most importantly, we had an awesome time and took lots of pictures (for those who know me, check them out at Fb)! Although we had a lecture to attend at 7 PM, we managed to go to Eaton Centre, do a little shopping and return to the campus.

The lunch was actually a departure meal for Friend A, since she's leaving Toronto to study in Regina. The meal definitely served its purpose: a memory we will never forget and laugh about it whenever it comes to our mind!

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