Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Lowlife?

I have been given the biggest insult a person can ever receive. Today, a so-called friend called me a lowlife. Who? Her name's Teresa, the same friend I mentioned in "The Events So Far" entry whom I begged for forgiveness just because I attempted to mend her friendship with friend A (and yes, their friendship is still broken). What happened? While friend C (from "The Events So Far" entry) went to stand in line to use the microwave provided by the school, we continued the conversation about the bag an Asian dude left behind at our table while he stood in line for the microwave. I didn't like it there while she said she didn't mind at all. The conversation magically elevated into an argument where she first called me selfish and later on, a lowlife.

However, what she didn't know is that while I stayed behind to guard the table when she and friend C went to their lockers, the Asian dude just walked up to the table and dropped his stuff on the chair. When I told him that someone is sitting there, he just looked at me, continued to take out his lunch and left his bag while he walked towards the line for the microwave.

Does disliking a situation like that make me a lowlife? Does she even KNOW what a lowlife is at all? I don't even see the point in trying to maintain a friendship with someone so barbarous like her. Fine. She called me a lowlife, then I'll show her what kind of a lowlife I can actually be! Unfortunately, my conscience is stopping me from giving her payback because I know that under ANY circumstances, hurting someone is wrong. Besides, it doesn't solve anything.

No one has ever given me such an insult, and NEVER would I EVER call ANYBODY a lowlife. NO ONE deserves this kind of an insult; calling someone one only shows what kind of a person you are. She better not come looking for trouble, or else I'll DEFINITELY show her my true colours. I don't want to hurt anyone nor do I like to, but somehow she's asking for it. Should I give it to her?

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