Sunday, May 31, 2009

Before It's Too Late

After watching an episode of Forensic Heroes II (a TVB HK drama) a few weeks ago, I finally realized that the human life can be so fragile.

That episode featured the death of Lam Ding-Ding (actress Linda Chung), a female character who died from injuries caused by an explosion that was meant to kill two drug-dealers. Her fiance, Sam (actor Frankie Lam), was traumatized by the news. Who could blame him? The couple was busy making last-minute preparations for their wedding, which was due in five days. They were so close to the moment of their lifetime and suddenly, everything came to a halt.

People shouldn't take things for granted because they can all disappear without warning. Unfortunately, that is a problem people have. They do not appreciate the things around them and ultimately want more or the better. If they suddenly loose everything they have right now, would they finally learn to treasure all that was lost? But wouldn't that be too late?

So before you have a chance to regret, love everything you have right now: family, friends, food, clothing, shelter, etc. Tell the people around you that you care. Call an old friend and spend some time together. Tell someone something that you've always wanted to say to them.

Do whatever that feels right...before it's too late.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Something That Can't Be Rushed!

After reading some of the entries about this mysterious him, I finally realized that I spent so much time liking someone who thinks of me as a friend (and nothing more). I not only wasted my time and energy, I also wasted so many tears. I guess friend A (from Events So Far entry) was right - I should have let him go ages ago. I'm really glad I moved on and I'm sure it's the best thing I've ever done for myself so far.

Speaking of friend A, I received an email from her a few weeks ago. She arrived in Regina about three days after her departure and has found a job already. The city is small and the air is clean. Overall, she likes it there (don't know how long that will last)! Knowing that she's doing fine made my worries lessen and I feel more relieved.

I remember her telling me that I should find a boyfriend - easy for her to say! First, I have to find a guy that I like (which is not an easy task). Then, that 'guy' has to like me as well (which is more difficult). And last, we need something in common and the right "timing" for the relationship to start (which is the hardest of all). There are some things that can't be rushed, and I think that is one of them!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First Interview Gone Wrong!

It's almost a week after the first interview and they haven't called me for another interview. I think I screwed up badly...

Last week Saturday, I went to the store for my interview. Including myself, there was a total of twenty-nine candidates. The first interview was done as a group where we introduced our partners. I guess I was too nervous and a bit overwhelmed by the pressure because I forgot everything about my partner! Then, in groups of four, we had to compose a few outfits with a given piece of clothing. Since I had a pretty bad fashion sense, I messed up on that as well! I'd be lucky if they called me for a second interview.

But for now, I guess it's back to job searching...

Friday, May 15, 2009

An Anticipated Concert!

Raymond Lam is holding a concert in June of this year!! I really want to go and see him perform in his first concert! However, I know I won't be able to since mom won't let me travel to the other side of the globe (Hong Kong) just for a concert (she was worried sick when I traveled to London - the one in Ontario - with my uncle two years ago) alone. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait until it comes out on DVD and buy it (but I'd be thrilled if someone will give it to me as a gift)!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today, I went job-hunting...and guess what? Upon handing my resume to the lady at the store, she asked me to come back Saturday morning for an interview!! I'm so excited! This is my first job interview and I'm starting to be a bit worried and nervous. Hopefully I'll do fine and get hired...

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Got A Haircut!

Yesterday, mom drove me to the salon to get me a haircut. My hair was a little too long for me to handle - it was near the hip (that's how much it grew since I got it cut last year). This time, I gave the reins to mom and let her decide what hairstyle I'll have this year. And so, my hair is now a little below shoulder-length and yes, I have bangs.

It's because of this new hairdo that I'm reminded of why I hated bangs. In short, they make my forehead itch and (in time they will) prick my eyes out (and I'm not joking)! Oh well, mom says I look cute in it, and a very close friend of mine just told me that I looked "kawaii."

Honestly, I can't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror. But anyways, I'm the one who wanted the change and since I look good in it (or at least, that's what I've been told), I'll just live with the itchy forehead... = =""

Friday, May 1, 2009

Exams Are Finally Over!!

Yesterday was the last day of exams!! After five sleepless nights of hardcore studying, I can finally rest!! My plans for now: give myself some proper sleep, and find a part-time job!!

To celebrate the end of exams, we went to Pacific Mall. We originally wanted to go to downtown, but a few of us (including myself) needed to return home (or to the school to clear our lockers) by six. Since there wouldn't be enough time, Pacific Mall was our final choice! We had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant outside the mall and a few of us weren't completely impressed by the food. After our not-so-lovely meal, we entered the mall and our fun began!

First, we went into a store where you can take pictures of yourselves with a wide selection of awesome backgrounds. I have to say, the booth (where the pictures are taken) was a little small for six people to fit in. Trying to fit everyone in the picture was not an easy task, but we managed quite nicely and had so much fun! Next, we took pictures against a glass wall of posters of Asian actors and singers. A few of us (including myself) almost drooled over one of them! We continued walking around the mall and took pictures along the way - we even took a picture with a giant lollipop! Before leaving, we got some bubble tea and allowed our feet to rest while we finished our drinks.

I went to Friend A's (from "The Events So Far" entry) place to help her with a problem she had. Although I didn't do much, the problem was solved. After that, we went to the school and cleared our lockers. It was until then that I realized the school year was officially over. So much has happened during this time frame. From getting accustomed to my classes to meeting new people, from making new friends to having a fight with one of them, from ending a friendship to getting over him. As I glance over the clock, bout three hours ago, another friend has left Toronto. That friend is Friend A. A few weeks ago, she told us that she would be going to study in Regina, and perhaps stay there. Originally, I thought she was joking until she told us that she got the tickets for her trip shortly after her announcement. I still can't believe she's going there. It's more or less like a countryside, and as a city girl, she's not likely to like it there. Besides, she's going alone and taking a lot of luggage with her (too much for her to handle). Although school's going to start in September, giving her enough time to explore her new environment, she's still on her own. So what she has a friend there? How much help will that friend offer? I hope she'll be fine, have lots of fun there and make lots of new friends. I wish her all the best!