Monday, July 27, 2009

Lunch, My Treat!

It's been about a month and a half since I started working! Awesome huh? For the first time, I finally did something that I really wanted to since my first paycheck! What is it? It's treating my mom to a meal!! And today, I finally did it!!

When I got off work at three, mom picked me up (to save bus fares). Since we were both a little hungry (I didn't eat anything since last night), we went to Market Village (beside Pacific Mall) for lunch. After we finished ordering, I quickly told mom that I wanted to treat her. As I paid for the order, mom must have been smiling during the whole time because the lady behind the counter exclaimed, "Look at the huge smile on your mother's face!" Mom was still smiling as she said, "Yup! She just started working and is treating me for the first time!"

The meal didn't really cost much, but I certainly noticed how much she enjoyed it. The whole process felt so good! I finally did something that made her happy! It was a small and simple gesture, but I'm sure it's the thought that made her so happy. Seeing her wearing such a huge smile filled me with something that I can't fully describe..was it happiness? pride? or a mixture of both? I can't tell - but whichever it was, it's definately one of the greatest moments of my life!

1 comment:

Ash Schizophrenic said...

^^ YAY!


m happy for you!!! =D