Sunday, June 6, 2010

Job Security?

It's been a while since my last entry - I suppose I got too lazy to even turn on my computer. (Yes, it's possible to survive without using your computer for a month, and I'm proof!)

Nothing special happened for the past month until last week Monday. That morning, I found out that the store manager left the position and was shocked. Surely it wasn't of her free will since she dropped by the day before, cheerfully as usual, to pick up something. She has worked for the company for many years and dedicated her life towards it. She would stay way past her shift if the store's busy and would come by voluntarily to help out on her days off. She was really nice and would help you in every way possible. Of course, she would set you straight if you're doing something incorrectly, but that's her job: to keep the store running smoothly and properly. She even visited yesterday to see how we were doing. There was no way she would resign from the position, it's just not possible.

And, I was right.

It turned out that she got fired for reasons I don't wish to know of. It's so cruel. How can the company remove a dedicated employee just like that? Didn't they have second thoughts? Had they any doubts? I hope they'll regret for their loss and they fully deserve it, though it's pretty unlikely. I hope she'll find another job soon and live on happily. Some things just needs to be forgotten...

Next week is my one-year anniversary since I started and this sort of thing had to happen. I guess it's true, there is no job security in Canada.

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