Yesterday, I had my first math class and it didn't seem that bad, at least for now. The teacher seemed pretty nice and we were dismissed half an hour early. Although I was exhausted by the time I came home, I was able to do (part of) my homework and arrive to my 8:30am class on time!

So, what's this new thing I'm adding to this blog? It's called "Song of the Week!" Every Wednesday, I'll post a song here and share it with least that's what I plan to. There might be times when the same song is labeled as the "Song of the Week" for two or more consecutive weeks (I do have a busy class schedule and will have lots of homework!). So please bear with me!
The first Song of the Week is Linkin Park's "Leave Out All the Rest." I was listening to music while I was doing on my homework last night (a habit I developed during high school) and this song caught my immediate attention (to an extent where I was humming it while travelling to school).
Hope you like it! Enjoy!
P.S. Pay close attention to its lyrics - it's actually the main reason why I chose it as the Song of the Week!
Awsome ! I look forward to the next song ! Any oldies perchance?
^.^ u bet!!
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