Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Song of the Week!

The Song of the Week is "Dōshite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarō?" (Why Did I Fall in Love with You?) by Korean boy band DBSK (and yes, the song is sung in Japanese)! I wrote an entry about the song three weeks ago (called Something to Think About: The Fear of Rejection) and so I figured that it would be a good idea to share it in this blog! Besides, I love this song!

I'm also going share its MV to introduce the group (in case you're not familiar with them) and to allow you to understand the lyrics with the English translations.

Hope you like it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Stomachache...

I have a bad stomachache right now (must have been something I ate early this morning at 4am). It started about three hours ago during Bio lab, but the pain got worse in GNED (General Education) class. As much as I want to go home and lie down, I still have one more class, math.

So now I’m just blogging about my tummyache and drinking a cup of hot chocolate from Tim Hortons, hoping that it'll help ease the pain. I think it’s working, unless it’s the painkiller I took during GNED...

The battery in my laptop is running low and I’m nowhere near an outlet. I guess I’ll have to end here…

Sunday, September 27, 2009

An Advice from a Good Friend

I just woke up from my nap. After I came home from my shift earlier today, I gave myself an opportunity to take a short rest before continuing with my homework. (In case you're wondering, I didn't do much at work. Business was slow and there wasn't much to do.)

Another crazy school week awaits me (as if my original timetable wasn't tight enough), but I do have confidence that I'll do fine with it.

While waiting for math class to start last week Thursday (the previous class ends at 5:30pm and math starts at 6:30pm), I sat with a friend in the cafeteria and talked about random things. During that random conversation, she advised me to say 'hi' or any other salutation to those in my program. She noticed that I just look at my classmates and walk past them, whether I recognized them or not, and that was a sign of rudeness.

I knew she meant well, but I honestly didn't mean to be rude at all, whether or not my classmates found it so. With fatigue weighing down on me, I don't have much energy left to greet people (even a smile feels like a lot of work), but I do get her point. Not saying 'hi' to others is a sign of unfriendliness, and as someone who's (usually) friendly, it's not like me to do such actions.

I guess I should take her advice and make a quick change. This means that a makeover with my attitude towards my workload will take place, which should help me survive the semester and make me feel more energized. Perhaps I'll start with saying 'hi' to people I think I can connect with and move on from there...
I guess a little change won't hurt and besides, I do benefit from it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Something New!!

Yesterday, I had my first math class and it didn't seem that bad, at least for now. The teacher seemed pretty nice and we were dismissed half an hour early. Although I was exhausted by the time I came home, I was able to do (part of) my homework and arrive to my 8:30am class on time!

So, what's this new thing I'm adding to this blog? It's called "Song of the Week!" Every Wednesday, I'll post a song here and share it with least that's what I plan to. There might be times when the same song is labeled as the "Song of the Week" for two or more consecutive weeks (I do have a busy class schedule and will have lots of homework!). So please bear with me!

The first Song of the Week is Linkin Park's "Leave Out All the Rest." I was listening to music while I was doing on my homework last night (a habit I developed during high school) and this song caught my immediate attention (to an extent where I was humming it while travelling to school).

Hope you like it! Enjoy!

P.S. Pay close attention to its lyrics - it's actually the main reason why I chose it as the Song of the Week!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Timetable Hates Me!

After a full week of class, I can proudly announce that Teresa is not in any of my classes! What a relief!

So what's there to complain about my timetable? The way it's set up. Having at least one lab each day isn't such a bad thing, it'll just help me practise my practical skills. But here's the problem: starting this week, every Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'll have classes from 12:30/11:30 til 9 pm (thanks to math). What's worse? On Wednesdays, I have a (lab) class at 8:30 am - and it's a class I cannot miss! I'm starting to wonder how I'll be able to get enough sleep and wake up in time for that 8:30 class...

In case you're wondering, I'm currently studying in a 3-year Bio Technology COOP program. This semester, I have the following courses: 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry, an English, a Math, a GNED (General Education) and a COOP course. I hope I'll be able to do well in all of them and maintain my current GPA, if not increasing it.

I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. With lots of effort and a little luck, there's nothing that can stop me from my road to success...

It's late. I guess I should go to bed and get to school early tomorrow to dehydrate my sample for Chemistry.

Good night!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Something to Think About: The Fear of Rejection

Months ago, I watched a MV of a song called "Dōshite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarō?" (Why Did I Fall In Love With You?) by a Korean boy band called DBSK. Just now, I watched it again and suddenly wanted to blog about it. Don't mistaken that I'm going to write how madly in love I am with this song or how much I love their voices (both of which are true). What I'm really about to share are the thoughts that ran through my mind after watching the MV....

The video features a male university/college student falling in love with a girl in his class. They soon become friends and often hang out with the other members of their (friend) group. During all this time, his feelings towards her stayed strong and never faded away - not even after graduation when everyone went separate ways for their careers. However, never did he once tell her how he felt, nor showed it in any manner. One night, the two meet up on a bridge where the girl tells him that she's getting married. It was obvious that she also had feelings for him and hoped that he would finally confess his feelings to her. To her disappointment, he just congratulated her and wished her all the best.

It is due to the fear of rejection that stopped them from telling each other how they felt. It is this fear that costed their chance to be with the one they truly and fully love. Why can't people just open up and directly tell that person how they feel? Why must they hide the truth and end up loving that someone from afar? Doesn't it hurt when you find out that they fall for someone other than yourself?

I know I'm in no position to say these words. But it's because of my past experience that allows me to understand how it feels when your heart is broken....

If that someone rejects you after your confession, wouldn't you feel lighter to finally have the opportunity to let go and move on? What if that someone liked you all along, but was too shy to express it to you as well? If you don't ever tell them, then you both won't have a chance at all. Besides, you'll never know until you try.

Take this as a message to help you wake up from this useless fear. Take this as a motivation to do the things you desire, but fear to expose. Stop the worrying. Stop the constant thoughts. Quit the what-if's and take action.

Before you regret it....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So Far, It May Turn Out Bad!

In my previous entry titled as "So Far So Good" I mentioned that Teresa was not in any of my classes so far. Unfortunately, that might change. Just now, I just made some adjustments with my timetable and that means the reopening of the gruesome posibility of having Teresa in any one of my classes! All I can really do is shake my head and hope the worst won't happen...

...will it?

A New Haircut!

Yes, I got another haircut and this time, it's slightly different from the one I had two months ago!

It was quite last minute as I got it cut yesterday when the salon was about to close. Mom loved it and said it looked great on me. (What mother wouldn't say that anyways?) I thought so myself too until I saw my reflection this morning. Maybe it's because (in my mind) it looked similar to the hairstyle Teresa wore last year. Either way, I think I look hideous with it.

For now, I'll just keep in mind that my hair would grow back and might look different by then...or take a picture of myself and see if my closest friend likes it too (though I do have doubts).

An hour and forty-five minutes before my next class....

So Far So Good!

Well...just finished my first class after the summer holidays!! Came to class on time and didn't get lost!! (I"m so proud of myself!! XD) So far, the worst fear has not happened YET! Althogh I am starting to feel a little more confident about Teresa being in my class(es). Who cares if she's in my lab class. So what? Although I do have to say, if I do have to partner-up with her, chaos will prevail. That I'm definitely not looking forward to (I'd rather die than to have THAT happen...well maybe not death...but you know what I mean!)

Class won't start until two and a half hours from now....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Little Worry...

Wow... It's been a month since my last post. I guess I've been quite busy with work and to tell the truth, I have!

I can't believe school is going to start in three days from now. Compared to last year, I don't really have much worries. Well, maybe one. I'm actually worried that Teresa would be in one (or more) of my lab classes and that I may end up working with her (as partners) in all of my lab experiments! You may find it a bit silly (if not stupid), but with the things that happened between us last year, there is no way I can stop myself from worrying.

I can't even have a normal conversation with her, how are we going to work with each other? What kind of chaos would appear if that does happen? Just the thought of it makes me shiver.

I can't wait until the first week of school and know what to expect. If she does happen to be in my lab class(es), I promise I'll post every detail (hopefully I won't have to).