Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Highlight of My Day!

Yesterday, I had my Organic Chemistry test. Overall the test was quite straightforward, although there were a few questions that I had problems with. Again, I didn't study much. Hopefully, that won't grant me another failing mark (I don't think I can stand two fails at once). I'll find out tomorrow or on Friday...

Today, I did my media presentation for GNED. We actually "volunteered" to be first. Honestly, it wasn't my idea but Kay's and another member's. Even though I was shaking (with anxiety) and stuttered a bit while presenting my part, I think I did pretty well - at least that's what my group told me. When I asked them afterwards, they were nice enough to tell me that I did a fabulous job (one of them even gave me a thumbs up). Did I believe them? Not really, but there's no use to be upset about it since it's already in the past. I guess I should let it go and move on...

So what's the highlight? In math class, the teacher returned our first test and I got 90%! I was delighted to see that mark, but it didn't stop there. After she went over the test, I noticed that I was given a zero for my correct answer and quickly went up to her after class. To my amazement, she immediately gave me full marks for that question without any doubt (my test was written in pencil and usually teachers may not reevaluate it to avoid forgery). I couldn't stop laughing from pure happiness - even Kay joined the laughter! She even pointed out that my mark was raised to 95% and was the highest mark in the class!

To me, this is considered as an accomplishment. That reminds me, I have a Food Microbiology test this Thursday. I guess I should study for it to avoid an ugly mark (if not fail).

Wish me luck!!

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