Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Test Season

Like hunting seasons, there's actually a season for tests and other evaluations alike. For some odd reason, teachers tend to schedule tests for their students around the same time - as if they have planned it out in advance!

This is what I'll have in the next week and half: Analytical Chemistry test (this Thursday), Assignment #2 for math (due this Thursday), Data Evaluation Assignment for English (due this Friday), introduction to formal lab report for Project Biology (due Monday), Organic Chemistry test (Monday), Media Analysis for GNED (due Tuesday), Food Microbiology Test (next Thursday) and the Non-Fiction Critique for English (due by the end of the month) - on top of the usual weekly reports!
(I wonder if I'm missing anything...)

I'm not complaining - I'm just sharing my busy schedule with you all. Besides, this will help remind myself of the various deadlines so I won't forget them!

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