Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Not Helped When In Need

Last night, I called my dad if he could give me a ride home today (because math class ends at 9pm and mom had a shift that ended at 10pm today) and he said no. After thanking him for considering, I was about to hang up when he started bulls***ing that his day would end at 9pm if he gave me a ride. He also went on saying crap like, "I thought your mom loves you. Why wouldn't she give you a lift instead of sitting at home doing nothing," and that I should have asked him earlier and not the night before. If he doesn't want to give me a ride, he already made his point. Why would he continue with that garbage when I didn't even bother to argue or insist like I usually do? He's the one who promised that he would do his best to help whenever I needed it. He made that promise when he noticed that I hardly ask him for help or anything else. I never abused that promise and have only made requests when I need it most.

I didn't bother to remind him of his promise (I never have and never will) because I didn't see the point in doing so. Besides, I don't like forcing people to do something against their will. He doesn't have to help me if he doesn't want to, it's that simple.

When class ended (at 9:10 pm), it was pouring outside and I had to wait for the bus in the heavy rainfall. During my wait, I had no interest in calling him (or my sis, who has an extremely exhausting schedule) for help. The idea just never came to mind and the only thought I had was, "It's just rain, it's not going to kill me. If I get soaked, I'll live," and "I should have brought an umbrella." In the end, I got soaked while I walking the block between the bus stop and my home, and here I am, still healthy and typing this entry.

I'm not upset because I got soaked on my way home. I'm just disappointed that he refused to help me when I was in need. That's it and that's all. Nothing special and nothing complicated.

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