Sunday, December 13, 2009

To Move or Not to Move, That is a Serious Matter!

It's been quite a while since my last post on the last week of October - almost two months. During this time, I've been really busy with multiple assignments and tests and didn't seem to find the time to sleep - not to mention blog! The semester's over by the end of exams and finally I'll have the opportunity to get some satisfying rest. Right now, I'm just taking a short break before I bury beneath my books and study like crazy, but then again I can't do that till I get home from work (I have a shift tomorrow).

Nothing really major happened until two weeks ago. As usual, mom would scold about the smallest things but somehow, her scoldings became more and more frequent than usual. Then suddenly, the words "Move the f*** out!" would burst from her lips from time to time. I knew then that her infamous phase from grade 10 has returned!

Friends who knew me then witnessed how much trouble this "phase" has caused me. It had struck a few weeks before exams, a time when major assignments and projects were assigned. Mom would scold me to an extent where she would kick me out of the apartment and allow my return hours later. Due to her insensitive scolding, I would travel to the library (to study and do homework) and return home when it closed 8:30pm. Because of her constant scoldings, holidays became my worst nightmare (school and trips to the library were my only escape). Things became so problematic that I made plans to move to my dad's place (my parents are divorced and I've been living with mom). Just when I was about to pack my stuff, she started to cry and said she wanted me to stay. She even mentioned that by moving I was abandoning her. In the end, she promised she won't scold me ever again and for reasons unknown to even myself, I stayed. Her promise was only for effective the following two weeks because she continued to scold afterwards. Despite my regret, I stayed with mom.

About two weeks ago, mom would constantly scold and would make me do the most unimportant things while I was trying to complete my assignments. Her scoldings became so frequent that I chose to do my studying while she slept.

On Thursday morning, she yelled at me for being in the bathroom, preventing her from getting ready for her 1:30pm appointment to get her car fixed at Ford (and yes, we shared ONE bathroom). When I came out, she was still yelling at me. I was about to reach my bag when she started to tug me at the collar of my shirt and made attempts to scatch my neck. To counter her attack, I held her wrists and started to holler her to stop. We struggled for the next few minutes until she broke down in tears. When she finally let go of my shirt, I ran into the bedroom and changed. I came out afterwards to see her crying on the sofa and went over to comfort her. She pushed me away and told me to move out. I gave her the key and told her that I would return home after 10pm until I find a place to stay. When I got to school and asked my friends for help, one of them offered me a suite at an affordable price.

At about 7:20pm that day, mom phoned me home. She didn't mention my moving out when I stepped in but I went up to her about it. I told her that I found a place and could move out the following Wednesday. She was surprised and said she never wanted me to move out. In the end, she proposed a deal and said a bunch of things that made me to (unwillingly) agree to stay. Honestly, why would she say something and not mean it at all? I seriously don't see the point in that. I already texted my friend of not renting her place and seriously owe her an apology.

Even though we've come to an agreement, I'm still going to keep an eye for a place with an affordable rent. A friend of mine had said that it would be best to move out if her scolding affects my studies and ultimately my marks. Besides, mom may not be serious of the matter right now but there's no guarantee that she won't be in the future. Doesn't hurt to be prepared right?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Song of the Week!

Here's another 90's selection: "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You" by 'N Sync. I was listening to this song yesterday while getting ready for school and found myself humming it this morning!

I fell in love with this song when I first heard it in their Greatest Hits (and I still choose to skip to this track whenever I listen to the CD). Although the group disbanded years ago, 'N Sync remains as an old favourite of mine and I continue to listen to their songs to this day (along with old selections by Backstreet Boys, S Club 7 and Eiffel 65).

Enough said. God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You is the Song of the Week! Enjoy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

An End to My Lab Kit Problem?

Yesterday, friend E asked me to lend him my lab kit and this time, I said no...

I made that decision days before. I just couldn't stand it anymore, even thinking about it makes me pissed. Of course, to prevent him from going into my locker and "borrowing" it (which is stealing, but I'm assuming that he'll put it back after each use - a stupid assumption, but oh well..), I changed my lock.

When I rejected his request, he asked again, but I didn't budge. He questioned whether I trusted him or not and all I said was, "I've reached my limit and you have mine. I've had enough." About this time, the next class started to enter the classroom and he (quickly) went to a friend. I didn't bother to stick around and left the classroom. Whatever their conversation was about obviously didn't grant him a lab kit because he asked for it at my locker and questioned once again if I trusted him. Without saying a word, I closed my locker and chatted with a few friends about the experiment. By the time our conversation ended, friend E still sat on the hallway perpendicular to my locker and was late for his next class.

As I went downstairs to the cafeteria, I started to feel bad and more or less guilty. It felt like I wasn't helping a friend in need. A part of me knew I was doing the right thing, but why does it have to feel like this? To be engulfed with guilt? I resisted my every nerve from travelling upstairs to check up on him because I knew I would suffer from indescribable consequences if I do. I told myself to stay strong and endured the overwhelming guilt.

I forced myself to think of more practical worries: my partnership with him in Organic Chemistry labs. I still have to work with him as partners and it would be fairly impossible to switch with someone. I started to wonder how I would record his observations, as the experiment is often split between partners to save time. With this conflict, I couldn't imagine how our partnership will turn out and more importantly, this could be the end of our friendship.

It's too late to worry now. I've already made this move, and there's no turning back. I'll just have to take everything as it comes, even if it means all at once!

All Fixed!!

The error is now fixed! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Apologies

I just noticed that the song "Bailamos" is not playing. I'll get it fixed ASAP!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Song of the Week!

Here's an old favourite from the good old 90's, Bailamos (bailamos means we/let's dance in Spanish I believe) by Enrique Iglesias. I remember listening to this song on the radio and watching the MV on television during my childhood years.

Whenever I listen this song, I often have a tendency to get up and dance with the music. Perhaps it's the rythm and beat and because of this feature, I usually listen to it when I need to perk up a bit while taking a break from studying or when I'm feeling down.

Hopefully this song will bring out the cheerful side within you whenever you listen to it - regardless! Enjoy!

The Highlight of My Day!

Yesterday, I had my Organic Chemistry test. Overall the test was quite straightforward, although there were a few questions that I had problems with. Again, I didn't study much. Hopefully, that won't grant me another failing mark (I don't think I can stand two fails at once). I'll find out tomorrow or on Friday...

Today, I did my media presentation for GNED. We actually "volunteered" to be first. Honestly, it wasn't my idea but Kay's and another member's. Even though I was shaking (with anxiety) and stuttered a bit while presenting my part, I think I did pretty well - at least that's what my group told me. When I asked them afterwards, they were nice enough to tell me that I did a fabulous job (one of them even gave me a thumbs up). Did I believe them? Not really, but there's no use to be upset about it since it's already in the past. I guess I should let it go and move on...

So what's the highlight? In math class, the teacher returned our first test and I got 90%! I was delighted to see that mark, but it didn't stop there. After she went over the test, I noticed that I was given a zero for my correct answer and quickly went up to her after class. To my amazement, she immediately gave me full marks for that question without any doubt (my test was written in pencil and usually teachers may not reevaluate it to avoid forgery). I couldn't stop laughing from pure happiness - even Kay joined the laughter! She even pointed out that my mark was raised to 95% and was the highest mark in the class!

To me, this is considered as an accomplishment. That reminds me, I have a Food Microbiology test this Thursday. I guess I should study for it to avoid an ugly mark (if not fail).

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Good News Remain Awful?

I got my test back from Analytical Chemistry. A lot of the students didn't do too well and neither did I - I failed miserably. It wasn't much of a surprise for me, as I didn't really study (as I mentioned in the beginning of A Resentment...). However, I was a bit upset from my awful mark.

The good news was: I didn't have to work with 'that guy'! Apparently he joined someone else's group and might stay there for the rest of the semester. You can't imagine how thrilled I was. (I actually spoke to a member from that group later in class. He joked that he's stuck with that guy from all the mockery he made of him and that he's enjoying all the chaos the guy's already created!) As for my team? Let's just say it wasn't that great either...

I was in charge of extracting the acid compounds while friend E was in charge with the base. My part was a total success, but not for friend E. For some odd reason, his filtrate turned blue and the teacher (almost) exclaimed with horror. What surprised me wasn't the experimental error he created, but by the fact that he turned to me when the teacher asked for an explanation, as if I'm the one responsible for the error. My facial expression made it was obvious that I had nothing to do with it and in truth, I didn't. In the end, he did manage to neutralize and extract the solids, though I'm worried about what was extracted. I guess I'll find out when we measure its melting point on Wednesday...

What about the lab kit? He borrowed it after he promised that he'll take good care of it like his own. I'm starting to get tired (and annoyed) from reminding him to get one himself. Why can't I be harsh (like I how I used to be before my 'change' during high school) and stop him from using it? I can't believe myself...

Revisiting Winter Sonata...

Mom's scolding me right now. She's saying that I'm making her spend so much money and that my presence here is a waste for her. She's also saying things like, "Did your father send you here to cause me so much trouble? Why don't you ever go to him? Why don't you just f- to your father's? Why stay with me?" and that I don't care about her. Now's she's criticizing that I spend so much money on myself and nothing on her. I seriously don't understand why she's doing this. She just suddenly went off with all this garbage for no reason - unless... She's watching a TVB drama called "Moonlight Resonance" and perhaps it triggered her eruption. It's about some kind of family dispute and to be honest, I have little interest in watching something like that.

Today, mom picked me up after class and drove me to STC to check next week's schedule at my workplace (I have a shift on Sunday from 11 to 4pm). Then we went to Pacific Mall to exchange the DVD's she bought last week with sis (apparently they're not functioning properly). Now she's mumbling that she needs to yell at me whenever she's starting to feel better, in terms of health and that I carry my father's 'evil' characteristics without living with him. While she spoke to the lady at the store, I went to their DVD collection and found Winter Sonata! I loved the drama since the first time I watched it in grade 10 (about four years ago)! Now she's mumbling that whoever falls for me must have done something terrible in their previous lives to cause such misfortune (jeez). I just couldn't resist and bought it.

It's interesting how the drama feels so new and fresh, as if I'm watching it for the first time...yet, at the same time, it feels like I'm visiting an old friend...

One thing's for sure, my love for Winter Sonata has never changed and do you know what would be perfect? Getting its soundtrack! I'm starting to look for it, but with little progress. I really want it and hopefully I'll find it in the end!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Resentment...

I had my Analytical Chemistry test today and I hope I'll pass (I remember joking with a friend by saying "It's better to be hopeful than to be hopeless!"). I didn't do much studying - unless you consider looking over the notes for about half an hour before the test is a lot of studying! So, if I do get an ugly mark, it definitely serves me right (and it seriously means I need to give myself more time to study!)...

I just found out that I'm not alone with the weekly late classes. There are quite a number of people with similar situations, including this guy I like (I'd prefer to put it as having an interest for him rather than liking him...not sure why) with his GNED class (let's call him 'G'). I guess I started to have an 'interest' for him during the last few weeks of the previous semester and acknowledged its existence a few weeks ago (while having a random conversation with Kay). I've actually tried talking to him a few times, but somehow I have this resentment towards being the one to start the conversation. It's not like he's ever taken initiative and talked to me - it's only me taking initiative to talk to him! Perhaps I'll go further in another entry...

Remember the explanation friend E owed me? I spoke to him about it yesterday. Before I went into topic, I verified that he was the only one who used my lab kit at that time. As expected, he denied it all - especially the envelope. He actually asked if his name was on it and I immediately knew he was offended. Seeing this, I made it clear that I wasn't accusing him but was trying to investigate who the culprit was (and obviously I said, 'whoever was responsible' instead of 'culprit', duh!). I'm starting to seriously consider taking Hanu's (Hanuhtim) advice about removing the contents, except I'm thinking to be more direct by removing the entire lab kit, not bring it into Organic lab and say I forgot it at home. I can also tell him directly that I refuse to lend it to him and not care about our friendship because it's seriously not worth it. The only thing that's stopping me is the fact that he's my lab partner in Organic Chemistry and I don't want to go that far...

I have a few assignments to work on and one of them needs to be sent to a group member for our group project (for GNED). I guess I'll to end here...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Song of the Week!

The Song of the Week is "Rainy Night" by DBSK member Xiah Junsu. This song stayed in my mind since the first time I heard it (months ago) and became one of my all-time favourites. In this song, you'll be able to hear Junsu's voice to its full extent and to tell the truth, it's quite impressive (to myself at least).

Hope you'll like the song as much as I do! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Test Season

Like hunting seasons, there's actually a season for tests and other evaluations alike. For some odd reason, teachers tend to schedule tests for their students around the same time - as if they have planned it out in advance!

This is what I'll have in the next week and half: Analytical Chemistry test (this Thursday), Assignment #2 for math (due this Thursday), Data Evaluation Assignment for English (due this Friday), introduction to formal lab report for Project Biology (due Monday), Organic Chemistry test (Monday), Media Analysis for GNED (due Tuesday), Food Microbiology Test (next Thursday) and the Non-Fiction Critique for English (due by the end of the month) - on top of the usual weekly reports!
(I wonder if I'm missing anything...)

I'm not complaining - I'm just sharing my busy schedule with you all. Besides, this will help remind myself of the various deadlines so I won't forget them!

A Fun Day that Didn't End Quite Right!

After the chaotic experiment, I sat with Kay (it's friend C from The Events So Far entry - she'll be called Kay from now on to avoid any confusion) in the cafeteria and had our lunches. She proposed the idea of going to Pacific Mall and there we went the next day with her younger sister. Originally, we planned on having lunch at Starwalk buffet but noticed a Japanese buffet restaurant right next to it called Wasabi! Curious, we decided to go inside and were not disappointed by our decision. There, we ordered a variety of dishes and were quite pleased with all of them. We laughed and joked about random things and had a great time.

When the meal ended, we went to Pacific Mall and walked around until our feet hurt. We rested on a bench while eating some Japanese snacks and ice cream. After our little rest, we did some more exploring before heading to the bus stop for home. In the bus, mom called me and asked where I was. When I told her I was in the bus, she said she didn't believe me because my surroundings didn't sound like the interior of a bus. I spent the following 9 minutes having a pointless conversation with her because she was being fussy with the location to meet up. In the end, she finally decided to meet up at Pacific Mall. This decision made me ditch Kay and her sister and forced me to walk back to Pacific Mall (the next bus would arrive about 20 minutes later). I tripped and fell on my way there (scratching the knuckles/joints on my ring finger and pinky of my right hand), but still arrived at the destination within 15 minutes. Mom finally arrived 50 minutes later and I treated her dinner. Afterwards, we went to the supermarket and bought a few items before heading home.

Although the day ended in a painful and slightly bloody manner, I did have lots of fun. Perhaps more people will join us in our next outing and there won't be a need for me to ditch anyone or make another fall!

Monday, October 12, 2009

What an Awful Day!

On Thursday, I had my first math test of the semester. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be and I think I did pretty well, although that statement awaits confirmation from the mark on my test. Hopefully I'll get a good mark.

The next day, I had an Organic Chemistry lab. When I noticed friend E didn't seem like he was going to show up, I was so relieved (thinking that I could do the experiment alone and him not going to used my lab kit). However, when the teacher found out he was missing, she quickly paired me with this guy whose partner was missing as well. When we were reviewing the procedures, he seemed like he wanted to take charge and I let him. Seriously, I didn't mind at all. I was more than happy for him to lead the way, which will give me the chance to relax a bit before English (at 4:30 to 6:30).

Before I continue, I'll include a (brief) background information of what the experiment was all about so you can imagine its simplicity. The experiment had two parts and were calculation based. We were doing part 1 and will finish part 2 next week. So, part 1 was composed of 3 steps/segments, all of which requires titration. All we need to do is to dissolve 8g of the acid powder into 100mL of distilled water, split it into three 30mL portions and do the titration with the sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution (which was already prepared for us). Simple right?

So, my new partner tried and (impressively) succeeded in measuring 8.000g of the acid powder (by this time, friend E has arrived). He ordered friend E to get him a funnel to pour the powder into the flask when you can do it directly from the weighing paper. Seeing this, I quickly took the sample from him and dispensed it directly. Then, he started fussing that he could not measure 100mL with the 50mL graduated cylinder (common sense: 50 x 2 = 100) and before I could stop him, he added the amount measured with a beaker. Starting to get tired from all this, I did the first titration with utter perfection (the solution was slightly pink). After preparing the acid for step 2, 'that guy' did the second titration but ended up detaching the nozzle from the burette and spilled the NaOH all over the place. The entire class, including myself, stared in total shock. I quickly recovered and went over to clean up the mess with the help from friend E. Instead of helping, 'that guy' ordered us to prepare the burette to let him continue with the titration. I told him to redo it due to the possibility of additional NaOH added into the flask from the spill plus he does not know how much base was already added. He argued that he prevented the addition of more base because he covered the opening of the flask with his hands but he could not surpass my second point.

While he prepared for step 2, I noticed that he had used up the remaining acid and knew we would have to make more. Suddenly, it came to me. If we make a new batch, there's no guarantee that it would have the same concentration as the first, causing the data to be invalid (the data is calculation-based and each answer depends on the preceding one). To verify my thoughts, I told this to friend E, who agreed. I quickly told 'that guy' of the news and he disagreed. He said I was talking nonsense, that he was confident he could measure the same amount of acid powder and since it was not Analytical Chemistry, the data does not have to be perfect. He also started going off about the flask and beaker used. The entire class watched as we argued for the next while until I gave up and called for the teacher. I told her of our situation and she too agreed that we need to restart. While 'that guy' argued with the teacher, friend E and myself quickly finished cleaning up and prepared the acid (we only had ten minutes before class ended). When he gave up the argument, I kept him busy with the first titration, while I worked on step 2. By step 3, he tried to rush me (and boss around) but I told him off and got him to help friend E with the calculations. Finally, the experiment was completed in record time and that's when I noticed that the class kept an eye on us the entire time.

In the midst of the chaos, a classmate actually came and told us that 'that guy' was crazy (since he had worked with him before). The reason that all this happened is due to the fact that 'that guy' is a fast-track student and lack most of the basic practical skills. Most of the fast-trackers already have a degree of some kind and perhaps 'that guy' has a degree as well and thought of himself superior compared to us. I'm starting to dread the possibility of working with him this Friday on part 2. I just hope that his partner would show up so that they can work together and I can happily work with friend E.

As for the issue with friend E about my lab kit, I lent it to him last Friday again. However, I have already extracted the extra box of microscope slides and cover slips days ago. When I came to my locker after English to get my jacket, I noticed my lab kit sat in a very unpleasant manner and decided to take a look inside. To my surprise, it wasn't that good-looking either. My sharpie was not inside the ziploc bag (where it belonged), a lone microscope slide was outside its box (and possibility contaminated) and there was an empty ripped envelope that looked like garbage inside my lab kit. I can tolerate the sharpie not being inside the ziploc and perhaps the slide not kept in its box, but I can definitely not stand seeing garbage kept in my lab kit. Friend E owes me a good explanation...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Song of the Week!

While I waited for the bus last night, I naturally hummed the tune of the song "Insufficient Love" by Raymond Lam. The thoughts of the "mysterious him" and the fun things we did in high school slowly flowed into my mind as well. The memories made me smile and I thought to myself, "He will always be a great friend," and it's not just him, I will always treasure all my friends from high school. Never will that change.

Enough said, Raymond Lam's "Insufficient Love"(or Love with No Regrets) is this week's Song of the Week!

Not Helped When In Need

Last night, I called my dad if he could give me a ride home today (because math class ends at 9pm and mom had a shift that ended at 10pm today) and he said no. After thanking him for considering, I was about to hang up when he started bulls***ing that his day would end at 9pm if he gave me a ride. He also went on saying crap like, "I thought your mom loves you. Why wouldn't she give you a lift instead of sitting at home doing nothing," and that I should have asked him earlier and not the night before. If he doesn't want to give me a ride, he already made his point. Why would he continue with that garbage when I didn't even bother to argue or insist like I usually do? He's the one who promised that he would do his best to help whenever I needed it. He made that promise when he noticed that I hardly ask him for help or anything else. I never abused that promise and have only made requests when I need it most.

I didn't bother to remind him of his promise (I never have and never will) because I didn't see the point in doing so. Besides, I don't like forcing people to do something against their will. He doesn't have to help me if he doesn't want to, it's that simple.

When class ended (at 9:10 pm), it was pouring outside and I had to wait for the bus in the heavy rainfall. During my wait, I had no interest in calling him (or my sis, who has an extremely exhausting schedule) for help. The idea just never came to mind and the only thought I had was, "It's just rain, it's not going to kill me. If I get soaked, I'll live," and "I should have brought an umbrella." In the end, I got soaked while I walking the block between the bus stop and my home, and here I am, still healthy and typing this entry.

I'm not upset because I got soaked on my way home. I'm just disappointed that he refused to help me when I was in need. That's it and that's all. Nothing special and nothing complicated.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

There Are Some Things I Just Can't Stand

Everyone has a limit to how much they can tolerate and I'm no different. When someone tries to take advantage of you, your first response is to stop them, not encourage them. For some odd reason, I think that I'm actually encouraging him to take advantage of me. Am I?

Friend E (from An Overreaction?) is in my Friday Organic Chemistry lab class. When he found out that I was in his class, he immediately asked to be my lab partner and I agreed. Upon gaining that knowledge, a few of my friends wished me luck and warned me that problems were yet to come. The first month just passed by and I'm starting to understand why.

For our program, each student is obligated to purchase a lab kit which is filled with the all essential equipment to conduct both Chemistry and Biology experiments. He owned one too but for some reason, he lost his during the summer. I knew that the line for the bookstore was psychotic during the first few weeks and getting everything you need within the first week is extremely difficult (and more likely impossible but miracles do exist) and so I lent him mine during the second week (and gave him my locker combination so that he could put it back himself afterwards). I was just trying to be nice and had expected him to get a new one soon. On the third week, he asked to borrow my lab kit again. Trying to be a good friend, I lent it to him, thinking it would be the last time.

During the Wednesday on the fourth week (last week Wednesday), I went to my locker to get my lab kit for my next (lab) class. When I opened my locker, shock took over - my lab kit was missing. At first, I thought I left it in my first class but there was a class inside and I couldn't enter. I quickly decided to leave my stuff in the lab room as an indication that I was present and go search for my lab kit (did I mention that it cost me $110 and now it's worth $150?). As I left the room, I bumped into none other than Friend E and in his hand was my lab kit. Relief and anger surged into my veins leaving me with the only ability to say "Oh my God!" numerous times. It turned out that he took my lab kit to help complete the last step of our experiment from last Friday. He could have at least left a message in my locker or on my cell to let me know. My friend told me that I shouldn't have lent it to him in the first place, not to mention giving him my locker combination. She even told me to encourage him to get his own.

He wasn't a good lab partner either. In the experiments we've completed so far, I did most of the work while he acted as my assistant. Honestly, I don't mind doing the work because at least I would know that it's done right (I'm not trying to be mean, nor am I insulting him...I'm just being honest and truthful). Last week Friday, we were doing a distillation experiment and it involved assembling the apparatus. When I was about to start, I suddenly noticed that he disappeared. He was nowhere to be seen. I asked a few classmates to find out that he took off to photocopy the lab evaluation sheet for them. Stunned by the news, I could only return to my seat and began assembling the apparatus myself. When I was almost finished, he returned from his photocopying business. Seeing his return made me pissed. I immediately expressed my anger (and made it clear that I was extremely pissed) to him and quickly completed the experiment. How can he be so irresponsible and so inconsiderate?

When class ended, he asked for my lab kit and acted as if nothing had happened. At my locker, I allowed my anger to take over and we had a serious conversation (I didn't yell at him, I didn't scream but I was loud enough to be heard by whoever passed by). I immediately asked him when he would get his own lab kit and expressed my irritation toward what had happened on Wednesday and in Organic Chem. He thought that he could continue to borrow my lab kit for the rest of the semester and planned to get his own in the winter semester. His excuse was that he spent most of his money on books and couldn't afford the lab kit. He's not the only person who's buying textbooks for his courses, so am I and so are the other post-secondary students. Besides, it's clear that it's extremely inconvenient for us to share one lab kit and more problems will arise. Not to mention that he's using up my glass slides and not paying me back afterwards. At that time, I felt extremely guilty for expressing my anger and with that guilt I let him use my lab kit, again. Am I really encouraging him to take advantage of me? Am I really allowing him to do that?

The only thing I could think of to stop him is to constantly remind him to get his own lab kit and perhaps hide a few mandatory items to pose some inconveniences for him. What else can I do to stop this madness? Any ideas?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Festive Night!

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival. It is a day that represents eternal love and family togetherness. The moon on this night is said to be its fullest, brightest and prettiest of the year. Families would usually come toegether, have a nice meal and spend time with each other.

Since my parents divorced 11 years ago, I celebrate whatever festivities with only my mother. My dad still exists but I don't really want to spend time with him that much. He remarried when I was in grade 8 and has been living happily with his new family since. Honestly, I don't feel like anything's missing in my life. I'm pretty happy as I am right now. I have a caring mother, an awesome older sister (who lives with dad), great friends, a nice job and an unlimited future. What's more to ask for?

Instead of having a regular dinner at home, this year we ate out with sis at Market Village (next to Pacific Mall). As we ate in the food court, there were people singing on the stage (and perhaps other performances) to celebrate this festive night. (I'm not sure about the full performance details as we left before it ended. It didn't matter though, since we didn't pay much attention towards it.) As we walked towards the car, I looked at the sky. The moon shined brightly (almost brighter than the lights in the parking lot) and I could see a few stars twinkling in the night sky. It was a lovely sight.

Mom was pretty happy. This year, both of her daughters spent a nice time with her, especially on this festive night - something that hardly happens. I just hope she's this happy (if not happier) more often. Joy is an important ingredient for a happy life and it's definitely something I want mom to always have. No matter what!

The picture in this entry was created by dianar87 from Deviantart

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Song of the Week!

The Song of the Week is "Dōshite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarō?" (Why Did I Fall in Love with You?) by Korean boy band DBSK (and yes, the song is sung in Japanese)! I wrote an entry about the song three weeks ago (called Something to Think About: The Fear of Rejection) and so I figured that it would be a good idea to share it in this blog! Besides, I love this song!

I'm also going share its MV to introduce the group (in case you're not familiar with them) and to allow you to understand the lyrics with the English translations.

Hope you like it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Stomachache...

I have a bad stomachache right now (must have been something I ate early this morning at 4am). It started about three hours ago during Bio lab, but the pain got worse in GNED (General Education) class. As much as I want to go home and lie down, I still have one more class, math.

So now I’m just blogging about my tummyache and drinking a cup of hot chocolate from Tim Hortons, hoping that it'll help ease the pain. I think it’s working, unless it’s the painkiller I took during GNED...

The battery in my laptop is running low and I’m nowhere near an outlet. I guess I’ll have to end here…

Sunday, September 27, 2009

An Advice from a Good Friend

I just woke up from my nap. After I came home from my shift earlier today, I gave myself an opportunity to take a short rest before continuing with my homework. (In case you're wondering, I didn't do much at work. Business was slow and there wasn't much to do.)

Another crazy school week awaits me (as if my original timetable wasn't tight enough), but I do have confidence that I'll do fine with it.

While waiting for math class to start last week Thursday (the previous class ends at 5:30pm and math starts at 6:30pm), I sat with a friend in the cafeteria and talked about random things. During that random conversation, she advised me to say 'hi' or any other salutation to those in my program. She noticed that I just look at my classmates and walk past them, whether I recognized them or not, and that was a sign of rudeness.

I knew she meant well, but I honestly didn't mean to be rude at all, whether or not my classmates found it so. With fatigue weighing down on me, I don't have much energy left to greet people (even a smile feels like a lot of work), but I do get her point. Not saying 'hi' to others is a sign of unfriendliness, and as someone who's (usually) friendly, it's not like me to do such actions.

I guess I should take her advice and make a quick change. This means that a makeover with my attitude towards my workload will take place, which should help me survive the semester and make me feel more energized. Perhaps I'll start with saying 'hi' to people I think I can connect with and move on from there...
I guess a little change won't hurt and besides, I do benefit from it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Something New!!

Yesterday, I had my first math class and it didn't seem that bad, at least for now. The teacher seemed pretty nice and we were dismissed half an hour early. Although I was exhausted by the time I came home, I was able to do (part of) my homework and arrive to my 8:30am class on time!

So, what's this new thing I'm adding to this blog? It's called "Song of the Week!" Every Wednesday, I'll post a song here and share it with least that's what I plan to. There might be times when the same song is labeled as the "Song of the Week" for two or more consecutive weeks (I do have a busy class schedule and will have lots of homework!). So please bear with me!

The first Song of the Week is Linkin Park's "Leave Out All the Rest." I was listening to music while I was doing on my homework last night (a habit I developed during high school) and this song caught my immediate attention (to an extent where I was humming it while travelling to school).

Hope you like it! Enjoy!

P.S. Pay close attention to its lyrics - it's actually the main reason why I chose it as the Song of the Week!

Monday, September 21, 2009

My Timetable Hates Me!

After a full week of class, I can proudly announce that Teresa is not in any of my classes! What a relief!

So what's there to complain about my timetable? The way it's set up. Having at least one lab each day isn't such a bad thing, it'll just help me practise my practical skills. But here's the problem: starting this week, every Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'll have classes from 12:30/11:30 til 9 pm (thanks to math). What's worse? On Wednesdays, I have a (lab) class at 8:30 am - and it's a class I cannot miss! I'm starting to wonder how I'll be able to get enough sleep and wake up in time for that 8:30 class...

In case you're wondering, I'm currently studying in a 3-year Bio Technology COOP program. This semester, I have the following courses: 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry, an English, a Math, a GNED (General Education) and a COOP course. I hope I'll be able to do well in all of them and maintain my current GPA, if not increasing it.

I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. With lots of effort and a little luck, there's nothing that can stop me from my road to success...

It's late. I guess I should go to bed and get to school early tomorrow to dehydrate my sample for Chemistry.

Good night!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Something to Think About: The Fear of Rejection

Months ago, I watched a MV of a song called "Dōshite Kimi wo Suki ni Natte Shimattandarō?" (Why Did I Fall In Love With You?) by a Korean boy band called DBSK. Just now, I watched it again and suddenly wanted to blog about it. Don't mistaken that I'm going to write how madly in love I am with this song or how much I love their voices (both of which are true). What I'm really about to share are the thoughts that ran through my mind after watching the MV....

The video features a male university/college student falling in love with a girl in his class. They soon become friends and often hang out with the other members of their (friend) group. During all this time, his feelings towards her stayed strong and never faded away - not even after graduation when everyone went separate ways for their careers. However, never did he once tell her how he felt, nor showed it in any manner. One night, the two meet up on a bridge where the girl tells him that she's getting married. It was obvious that she also had feelings for him and hoped that he would finally confess his feelings to her. To her disappointment, he just congratulated her and wished her all the best.

It is due to the fear of rejection that stopped them from telling each other how they felt. It is this fear that costed their chance to be with the one they truly and fully love. Why can't people just open up and directly tell that person how they feel? Why must they hide the truth and end up loving that someone from afar? Doesn't it hurt when you find out that they fall for someone other than yourself?

I know I'm in no position to say these words. But it's because of my past experience that allows me to understand how it feels when your heart is broken....

If that someone rejects you after your confession, wouldn't you feel lighter to finally have the opportunity to let go and move on? What if that someone liked you all along, but was too shy to express it to you as well? If you don't ever tell them, then you both won't have a chance at all. Besides, you'll never know until you try.

Take this as a message to help you wake up from this useless fear. Take this as a motivation to do the things you desire, but fear to expose. Stop the worrying. Stop the constant thoughts. Quit the what-if's and take action.

Before you regret it....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

So Far, It May Turn Out Bad!

In my previous entry titled as "So Far So Good" I mentioned that Teresa was not in any of my classes so far. Unfortunately, that might change. Just now, I just made some adjustments with my timetable and that means the reopening of the gruesome posibility of having Teresa in any one of my classes! All I can really do is shake my head and hope the worst won't happen...

...will it?

A New Haircut!

Yes, I got another haircut and this time, it's slightly different from the one I had two months ago!

It was quite last minute as I got it cut yesterday when the salon was about to close. Mom loved it and said it looked great on me. (What mother wouldn't say that anyways?) I thought so myself too until I saw my reflection this morning. Maybe it's because (in my mind) it looked similar to the hairstyle Teresa wore last year. Either way, I think I look hideous with it.

For now, I'll just keep in mind that my hair would grow back and might look different by then...or take a picture of myself and see if my closest friend likes it too (though I do have doubts).

An hour and forty-five minutes before my next class....

So Far So Good!

Well...just finished my first class after the summer holidays!! Came to class on time and didn't get lost!! (I"m so proud of myself!! XD) So far, the worst fear has not happened YET! Althogh I am starting to feel a little more confident about Teresa being in my class(es). Who cares if she's in my lab class. So what? Although I do have to say, if I do have to partner-up with her, chaos will prevail. That I'm definitely not looking forward to (I'd rather die than to have THAT happen...well maybe not death...but you know what I mean!)

Class won't start until two and a half hours from now....

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Little Worry...

Wow... It's been a month since my last post. I guess I've been quite busy with work and to tell the truth, I have!

I can't believe school is going to start in three days from now. Compared to last year, I don't really have much worries. Well, maybe one. I'm actually worried that Teresa would be in one (or more) of my lab classes and that I may end up working with her (as partners) in all of my lab experiments! You may find it a bit silly (if not stupid), but with the things that happened between us last year, there is no way I can stop myself from worrying.

I can't even have a normal conversation with her, how are we going to work with each other? What kind of chaos would appear if that does happen? Just the thought of it makes me shiver.

I can't wait until the first week of school and know what to expect. If she does happen to be in my lab class(es), I promise I'll post every detail (hopefully I won't have to).

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lunch, My Treat!

It's been about a month and a half since I started working! Awesome huh? For the first time, I finally did something that I really wanted to since my first paycheck! What is it? It's treating my mom to a meal!! And today, I finally did it!!

When I got off work at three, mom picked me up (to save bus fares). Since we were both a little hungry (I didn't eat anything since last night), we went to Market Village (beside Pacific Mall) for lunch. After we finished ordering, I quickly told mom that I wanted to treat her. As I paid for the order, mom must have been smiling during the whole time because the lady behind the counter exclaimed, "Look at the huge smile on your mother's face!" Mom was still smiling as she said, "Yup! She just started working and is treating me for the first time!"

The meal didn't really cost much, but I certainly noticed how much she enjoyed it. The whole process felt so good! I finally did something that made her happy! It was a small and simple gesture, but I'm sure it's the thought that made her so happy. Seeing her wearing such a huge smile filled me with something that I can't fully describe..was it happiness? pride? or a mixture of both? I can't tell - but whichever it was, it's definately one of the greatest moments of my life!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Preferable Lifestyle!

A customer came in yesterday and we had a nice conversation. The conversation started off with him asking whether I'm still going to school and which college I'm in. He also said something that drew my attention. He told me to enjoy my school life while I still can because in the end I might miss it. He said he missed it a lot, especially the fun times while hanging out with his friends. Though I do have to say, he must have graduated a long while ago (he had a "businessman" look) and may have lost contact with most of his friends.

The truth is, will I really miss the school days? For now, I really don't think so. My lifestyle for the past few weeks involves only work, which is quite similar to the lifestyle I may have (if I'm lucky) after I graduate (the only difference will be my occupation I guess) and I'm enjoying it! When I get home from work, I feel so relaxed and comfy. There's no need for me to worry about school or anything related (perhaps I'm just lazy). The days just pass by quite swiftly and of course, the idea that I'm making money by myself feels great!

I actually have my future all planned out and it's quite simple. After I graduate, I'll have a full-time job that's related to my program. Then I'm going to (hopefully) save enough money and buy a duplex or a two/three bedroom suite. During my free-time, I plan to read books, listen to music, go out with friends, enjoy a coffee at a café or bake a cake at home. Simple enough, right? This lifestyle I want is (definately) not easy to accomplish, but it's surely going to be a strong motivation to work harder and put more effort in everything I do.

Will I succeed? Hopefully I will, nothing is impossible right?

Wish me luck!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Truth About Retail

Wow!! It's been two weeks since my last entry! I suppose I've been quite busy lately. Despite the exhaustion, I feel great - especially when I make a small contribution to the household by giving my mom $100 after each payroll! I guess the pride gave me a confidence boost!

I was working on Friday night (until closing) with a co-worker who worked at the store since last year Christmas. He wasn't happy with the job, especially with the (minimum) wage. He also mentioned something that I didn't really give much thought into until this morning. He said that retail stores are able give their employees such a low income is because of the simplicity of the job itself. Anyone can work in retail and learning how to do the job doesn't take much time, and he's right!

As someone who has no employment experiences whatsoever, my choices are quite limited and retail does seem like the only thing I'm capable of. To be honest, I am very grateful that I'm able to find a job during the current economy. No matter how bad the job really is, you are making money from that job - which is good enough for me.

I do plan to continue working at the store for the next two/three years. Let's just hope I'll be able to accomplish that!

Wish me luck!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

An Escape from My Past

Last night, I was on the phone with a friend. From her, I found out that she got accepted to Ryerson University! I'm so happy for her and hopefully she does well there!!

During our half-hour conversation, I mentioned about my eagerness to move to a new home (with mom of course) and away from Malvern at the very least. It's not only from the stuff that happens in this neighbourhood (that sort of stuff can happen practically anywhere), or the fact that our suite is too small for us to live in. I just want to escape to a neighbourhood where the people living there don't know who I am and better yet, have no idea of my past. Here in Malvern I'm pretty well-known, but in a negative way. Most of those who know me (minus my friends) only think of me as the girl who's (rumoured to) like so-and-so, who's completely mental, or this and that... and to tell the truth, I'm sick of it.

Those kinds of titles block people from knowing me as a person and who I am today. Yes, I admit it. I have done all sorts of crazy things, but that doesn't mean I won't change and become a different person. People around me have no idea how much it hurts to be known as something that came directly from one's past or how much it hurts when I hear the familiar phrase, "Oh! Isn't that the girl who..." or "Isn't she..." I didn't want it to be that way. It just so happens that the events turned me to that direction. It's not like I wanted to be different and stand out above the crowd. I don't care about being noticed - I never have and never will!

Perhaps that's the reason why I'm so relieved (and happy) that I'm now studying in an environment where no one will look at me under that light and will only know me as who I am today.

I know that moving will not solve anything, but for me, it seems like the only solution. It's not like I could change people's thoughts about me, and even if I could, I don't have the patience to wait for that day to come. However, that doesn't mean I'll be able to move anytime soon. Finding a new home is a long process, especially when you're trying to find the right one. I suppose I'll just have to wait patiently and see how things will unfold for me in the future...

One thing's for sure: the bonds between myself and my friends will not break despite the distance. Perhaps they will become stronger...who knows?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Day at Work!

Finally, a chance for me to type in my blog!!
Last week Wednesday, the manager of the store called me and asked me to work that day! Unfortunately, I wasn't near ready and so I requested to start the next day...

My first shift was scheduled at 10am, when the store opens. The assistant manager led me to the back room and gave me an apron, which was the store's uniform, to put on. Then she gave me a training checklist for the cash register and allowed me to spend my first two hours there "playing" with the machine. When I truly started working on the cash, I was quite nervous. I was afraid that I might overcharge the customers, or worse, undercharge them! Fortunately, the customers were nice enough to not rush me and gave me lots of encouragement along the way. My coworkers were also pretty nice and didn't show any irritation when I asked them for help. Instead, they were happy (or seemed to at least) to guide and walk me through each step. Before I knew it, my first shift was over and it was time to get home.

I continued to work on cash for the next two days and I couldn't believe how many people came to do last minute shopping for Father's Day. I didn't really feel the rush until Saturday. There were huge tides of people coming into the store and purchasing indefinite amount of gifts. Of course, the pressure to work faster was unavoidable (I'm still pleased with myself as I handled it quite well). After several herds of people coming in and paying at the counter, the day was finally over! My feet were in pain (from long hours of standing), and my shoulders and legs were sore!

Business was slower for the next few days, granting me more time to explore the store. I hope I will continue to do well in my first job and make lots of money (enough to help my mom, and perhaps pay for tuition and books). For now, all I can really do is to work hard in my studies and do well at work.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


YAY!! I'm so happy!! After all this waiting, I finally got my first job!! Words can definitely not describe my happiness!! As soon as I got home, I kept on jumping up and down, squealing "YAY!"

This morning, I woke up to my ringing cell phone and immediately jumped out of bed to answer it. It turned out to be the lady who interviewed me last Friday and she asked me to come by today for the second interview! As soon as I hung up, I couldn't fight the urge to laugh hysterically (I only do that when I'm either extremely happy or extremely nervous - and in this case, I was extremely happy). But honestly, since my disaster from my first job interview three weeks ago, I lost a great amount of confidence in getting a job - especially after each visit to my email account. Anyways, when I finally stopped laughing, I got myself ready for the interview and got there twenty minutes late (and yes, it's something that can seriously prevent me from getting the job - I totally agree).

Another lady interviewed me and she was the assistant manager. To my amazement, the lady who interviewed me last Friday was the manager! When the interview started, I was told that I was one of the top five candidates selected after the first interviews held last week. I can't believe it! I was one of the top five! Honestly speaking, I've never been in the top five before, NEVER! And so, she asked me a few questions and I was pretty pleased of how calm I was when I answered them...okay, I lied. I was fairly nervous (and I think it showed), but the questions were pretty hard; they were mostly job-related.

When the interview ended, she asked me if I had any questions and if I have anything to say before I leave (to place a last impression I guess). I remember mom telling me that if a potential employer asks you if you have any questions when the interview was over, it is strongly recommended that you do ask! This would show him/her that you do have an interest in the job. Having that said, I asked what the job responsibilities were and I was given a very detailed answer! I also, out of curiosity, asked how many people they were planning to hire out of the top five and it was one or two. That made me a bit disappointed since I was hoping that they would hire three of the five, which will increase my odds in getting hired. Before I left, I expressed my gratitude for the second interview plus how much I wanted the job and what it would mean to me (which goes beyond the salary). Thinking back, I think I kind of babbled during this part. Man, I think she was dying of boredom during that time!

Before I left, she asked me to wait a bit to see if the manager wanted to ask me any further questions. After three minutes or so, they came back to tell me that I was hired! I was so surprised! I just couldn't believe it, as if it was too good to be true! And yes, I laughed quite a bit and so did they (maybe because of my reaction). Then, I was given a form to fill out and was told to return it as soon as possible so I could start in a week!

I seriously couldn't believe it. I thought it was a dream and that I would soon wake up to disappointment. I can't wait until my first workday! I'm so excited! Wish me luck!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

An Overreaction?

According to my previous entry (Unexpected Interview!), I mentioned that I went to the campus to meet up with two friends. There, we bumped into another friend (let's call him friend E). He too was there to make a few changes for his program as well. And so, together we waited for the teacher to finish his class. While we waited, we talked about the things we did during the past month. Then, he asked if we (friend C and I) have seen Teresa and went out together with her. It didn't surprise us that he was concerned with her whereabouts since we (sort of) guessed that he has a crush on her (although he denied it, it was quite obvious). Friend C told him that she hasn't seen Teresa lately. She also told him that Teresa and I had a fight, and are no longer friends. "Those two won't talk to each other because they got into a fight - but it was really her fault" is all she said.

If you have read my previous posts about Teresa, you may know what the fight was all about. For those who haven't, Teresa called me a lowlife because I disliked the fact that someone left his backpack on a seat at our table without asking if the seat was taken - even after I told him that it was. It didn't mean that I yelled at him or made any further requests for him to remove it. The bag was still sitting there when they returned from their trip to their lockers ten minutes later. I only expressed my discomfort and suddenly she insulted like that (more details in "A Lowlife?" and "Can't Believe It's Coming to an End" entries)!

Upon hearing that from friend C, he immediately asked me what I did to Teresa! I couldn't believe my ears! He actually thought that I was at fault! Seeing my reaction, Friend C quickly told him that it was Teresa, not me. He paused and stared at friend C for a moment. Slowly, he hesitantly asked what she has done. Friend C looked at me, expecting an answer from me and he followed her gaze. Without looking at either of them, I simply said, "I'm not going to talk about it to avoid ruining her impression in your mind" and it was quite clear that I was pissed at him.

Should I have reacted that way? He didn't know what had happened between us. Besides, if he truly does like her, he would not expect anything negative from Teresa. I guess I shouldn't have snapped at him like that and I'm starting to feel a little guilty. One thing's for sure: the memory of that insult is still heavily engraved in my mind. Don't know if I would ever forget about it, or at the least, get over it...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Unexpected Interview!

Today, I went to the campus to meet up with two friends to make a few changes for our program. It was pretty nice to meet up with them and have a small reunion. While waiting for the second friend (who was stuck in traffic) to arrive, I told friend C (from Events So Far entry) about my disaster with my first interview. She laughed a little and told me that she wasn't surprised since she sort of expected that from me. How cruel!

Afterwards, I went to a store at STC (and no, it's not the one with the messed-up interview) and did a follow-up on my application from three weeks ago. I gave them another copy of my resume to (hopefully) increase my chances in getting hired. Surprisingly, the lady asked me if I had some spare time and I ended up getting my first one-on-one job interview! According to her, there was an interview scheduled for a portion of the candidates tomorrow, but to avoid me running around, she interviewed me there and then! I was pretty surprised and (of course) a little nervous. I think I babbled a little while I introduced myself in the beginning, but as the interview continued, I became more calm. I'm not sure if I showed any confidence, but I did my best in persuading her to hire me. Then, I filled out the store's questionnaire that had 180 questions. When I finished, I handed it in and thanked her before leaving. Hopefully I left a strong and positive impression in her mind.

I couldn't help grinning as I went home. I was so happy and pleased with today's events. A few days ago, I was on the phone with a close friend of mine. She suggested that I should do a follow-up to increase my chances in getting a job. I'm really glad I listened to her - otherwise, I wouldn't have had that chance!

Wish me luck!! (^-^)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Before It's Too Late

After watching an episode of Forensic Heroes II (a TVB HK drama) a few weeks ago, I finally realized that the human life can be so fragile.

That episode featured the death of Lam Ding-Ding (actress Linda Chung), a female character who died from injuries caused by an explosion that was meant to kill two drug-dealers. Her fiance, Sam (actor Frankie Lam), was traumatized by the news. Who could blame him? The couple was busy making last-minute preparations for their wedding, which was due in five days. They were so close to the moment of their lifetime and suddenly, everything came to a halt.

People shouldn't take things for granted because they can all disappear without warning. Unfortunately, that is a problem people have. They do not appreciate the things around them and ultimately want more or the better. If they suddenly loose everything they have right now, would they finally learn to treasure all that was lost? But wouldn't that be too late?

So before you have a chance to regret, love everything you have right now: family, friends, food, clothing, shelter, etc. Tell the people around you that you care. Call an old friend and spend some time together. Tell someone something that you've always wanted to say to them.

Do whatever that feels right...before it's too late.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Something That Can't Be Rushed!

After reading some of the entries about this mysterious him, I finally realized that I spent so much time liking someone who thinks of me as a friend (and nothing more). I not only wasted my time and energy, I also wasted so many tears. I guess friend A (from Events So Far entry) was right - I should have let him go ages ago. I'm really glad I moved on and I'm sure it's the best thing I've ever done for myself so far.

Speaking of friend A, I received an email from her a few weeks ago. She arrived in Regina about three days after her departure and has found a job already. The city is small and the air is clean. Overall, she likes it there (don't know how long that will last)! Knowing that she's doing fine made my worries lessen and I feel more relieved.

I remember her telling me that I should find a boyfriend - easy for her to say! First, I have to find a guy that I like (which is not an easy task). Then, that 'guy' has to like me as well (which is more difficult). And last, we need something in common and the right "timing" for the relationship to start (which is the hardest of all). There are some things that can't be rushed, and I think that is one of them!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First Interview Gone Wrong!

It's almost a week after the first interview and they haven't called me for another interview. I think I screwed up badly...

Last week Saturday, I went to the store for my interview. Including myself, there was a total of twenty-nine candidates. The first interview was done as a group where we introduced our partners. I guess I was too nervous and a bit overwhelmed by the pressure because I forgot everything about my partner! Then, in groups of four, we had to compose a few outfits with a given piece of clothing. Since I had a pretty bad fashion sense, I messed up on that as well! I'd be lucky if they called me for a second interview.

But for now, I guess it's back to job searching...

Friday, May 15, 2009

An Anticipated Concert!

Raymond Lam is holding a concert in June of this year!! I really want to go and see him perform in his first concert! However, I know I won't be able to since mom won't let me travel to the other side of the globe (Hong Kong) just for a concert (she was worried sick when I traveled to London - the one in Ontario - with my uncle two years ago) alone. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait until it comes out on DVD and buy it (but I'd be thrilled if someone will give it to me as a gift)!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Today, I went job-hunting...and guess what? Upon handing my resume to the lady at the store, she asked me to come back Saturday morning for an interview!! I'm so excited! This is my first job interview and I'm starting to be a bit worried and nervous. Hopefully I'll do fine and get hired...

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Got A Haircut!

Yesterday, mom drove me to the salon to get me a haircut. My hair was a little too long for me to handle - it was near the hip (that's how much it grew since I got it cut last year). This time, I gave the reins to mom and let her decide what hairstyle I'll have this year. And so, my hair is now a little below shoulder-length and yes, I have bangs.

It's because of this new hairdo that I'm reminded of why I hated bangs. In short, they make my forehead itch and (in time they will) prick my eyes out (and I'm not joking)! Oh well, mom says I look cute in it, and a very close friend of mine just told me that I looked "kawaii."

Honestly, I can't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror. But anyways, I'm the one who wanted the change and since I look good in it (or at least, that's what I've been told), I'll just live with the itchy forehead... = =""

Friday, May 1, 2009

Exams Are Finally Over!!

Yesterday was the last day of exams!! After five sleepless nights of hardcore studying, I can finally rest!! My plans for now: give myself some proper sleep, and find a part-time job!!

To celebrate the end of exams, we went to Pacific Mall. We originally wanted to go to downtown, but a few of us (including myself) needed to return home (or to the school to clear our lockers) by six. Since there wouldn't be enough time, Pacific Mall was our final choice! We had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant outside the mall and a few of us weren't completely impressed by the food. After our not-so-lovely meal, we entered the mall and our fun began!

First, we went into a store where you can take pictures of yourselves with a wide selection of awesome backgrounds. I have to say, the booth (where the pictures are taken) was a little small for six people to fit in. Trying to fit everyone in the picture was not an easy task, but we managed quite nicely and had so much fun! Next, we took pictures against a glass wall of posters of Asian actors and singers. A few of us (including myself) almost drooled over one of them! We continued walking around the mall and took pictures along the way - we even took a picture with a giant lollipop! Before leaving, we got some bubble tea and allowed our feet to rest while we finished our drinks.

I went to Friend A's (from "The Events So Far" entry) place to help her with a problem she had. Although I didn't do much, the problem was solved. After that, we went to the school and cleared our lockers. It was until then that I realized the school year was officially over. So much has happened during this time frame. From getting accustomed to my classes to meeting new people, from making new friends to having a fight with one of them, from ending a friendship to getting over him. As I glance over the clock, bout three hours ago, another friend has left Toronto. That friend is Friend A. A few weeks ago, she told us that she would be going to study in Regina, and perhaps stay there. Originally, I thought she was joking until she told us that she got the tickets for her trip shortly after her announcement. I still can't believe she's going there. It's more or less like a countryside, and as a city girl, she's not likely to like it there. Besides, she's going alone and taking a lot of luggage with her (too much for her to handle). Although school's going to start in September, giving her enough time to explore her new environment, she's still on her own. So what she has a friend there? How much help will that friend offer? I hope she'll be fine, have lots of fun there and make lots of new friends. I wish her all the best!